(Women We Admire)
Tamar Schwarzbard on Eating with Our Eyes
Tamar Schwarzbard writes about food, but not only. Her blog “Einaim Gdolot” (“Big Eyes” in Hebrew) is a window to her soul; what she thinks, feels, cooks, how she serves it, and the soundtrack that accompanies it all.
Her unique point of view, style, and attention to details will provide everything needed for hosting the perfect dinner, even if you're a walking kitchen disaster!
Inbal Sinai (IS): Tell us how it all started, what brought you into launching the blog in 2018?
Tamar Schwarzbard (TS): While I was never interested in the perks of being a blogger, writing has always been an integral component to my life; I wrote short stories and poems at the young age of five, and ever since dreamed of having my own platform where I can share thoughts and feelings.
I always loved food too. Ten years ago I completed a summer school at Le Cordon Bleu London, and posted pictures of my dishes on social media. When people showed interest, I decided to switch my career path from my Arts & Humanities studies to my passion; I put writing aside for a while as I was building a catering business under the name “Einaim Gdolot”.
As the business grew and I got a glimpse on a chef’s life behind the glamorous scenes, I decided to shift my career again. I turned to culinary writing as an editor at Foody magazine, working with top bloggers from the local culinary scene and couldn’t stop wondering “why do they all have their own writing platforms but me?” Within a few weeks I had opened my own blog, showing my readers how to host with a style.
IS: Reading through your blog posts, it is evident that you love and crave what you do - your stories are told from a very personal, passionate point of view, with an attention not only to what you cook but also how it looks and feels. How important is it for you to bring the personal and the visual aspects into your stories?
TS: The web is flooded with recipes, but in a blog one needs to find and deliver a unique point of view, an added value. So on top of recipes, I provide my readers with complete hosting concepts - from table design to thematic playlists - a one-stop shop for a perfect culinary experience.
I grew up with an interior designer mother, who taught me the importance of details when looking at the greater picture. I believe we eat first with our eyes, thus the food we serve must look appealing, in beautiful dishes, with the right textile, and under the right light.
IS: It takes a lot of creativity to constantly reinvent yourself, how do you get inspired?
TS: My posts usually start from a personal story, a thought or a feeling that I want to share with the world. I write it down as a note on my phone - my pregnancy experience, a trip I just did - and I put it aside. Later on I reopen this note and write more profoundly to only then couple it with a recipe that feels right. Not the other way around.
IS: So how do you bring traffic to your blog? How do you make it sustainable?
TS: I don’t see the blog as an economic resource, but purely as an authentic platform, so I don’t feel pressure to provide for trends or schedules. A few months ago I consciously decided to write only when I have something to say, and that it doesn’t necessarily have to contain a recipe. I believe that creating from a genuine point of view helps in building a very engaged audience, so I choose quality over quantity.
IS: One thing you will never cook? '
TS: Sadly, I am allergic to peaches so I can't touch these. Otherwise I cook and eat everything, trying to consume consciously and use products that don’t harm human beings.
IS: And one guilty pleasure?
TS: There are so many.. Trader Joe's Peanut Butter Filled Pretzel is definitely a winner.
IS: One easy to make recipe that always works?
TS: Spring rolls with a twist! A yummy cold dish for lunch or dinner.
IS: Looking forward, what are you planning for Einaim Gdolot?
TS: These days, apart from keeping busy as a new mom, I've also been focusing my energy on one of the cuisines that's fascinated me for years - Indian food. After studying from some of the best in the field, I want to give others the opportunity to enjoy what this amazing cuisine has to offer. During Covid, I started a weekly food delivery service, providing a complete package for hosting a meal, including fantastic Indian courses, dessert and even a few ambience creating elements, among other surprises!
I also started teaching cooking workshops online, and in person at Jacob's Farm in Kfar Haroe, and I'm looking forward to continue discovering new ways of bringing the Einaim Gdolot experience to as many people possible!
Homemade Pizza. Credit: Ahuva Schwarzbard
Springroll with a twist! Credit: Efrat Lozanov
Greek Meal. Credit: Efrat Lozanov
Tamar Schwarzbard. Credit: Efrat Lozanov
Greek Meal. Credit: Efrat Lozanov